
award-of-distinction-christine-reichow1Two weekends ago I participated in the Mainsail Art Show in St. Petersburg, Florida.  We met many new customers along with seeing familiar faces from last year’s show.  The caliber of art at the Mainsail show is quite impressive so I was quite honored to receive the Mainsail Award of Distinction.

On Monday after the show, some friends took my husband and I kayaking on the beautiful Hillsborough River.  The river made you think that you were in the middle of the Everglades instead of minutes from Tampa.  Palm trees gracefully bent into the water and purple Pickerelweed bloomed along the banks.  Alligators swam silently near us, Continue Reading »

kaleidoscope-watercolor-paintingGrandeur Magazine is just as the title suggests.  Anything featured on its pages is far from ordinary.  With this in mind, you can imagine my excitement when Grandeur editor, Tracy Jones, called one morning in March telling me that she would like to feature my watercolor painting, Kaleidoscope, in the April issue.  Upon receiving my issue, my heart began to race when I saw that the entire last page of the magazine featured my colorful bromeliad.  This was a thrill of a lifetime!

Read the full article on my website.

View this watercolor painting in my gallery.

I met many new people who visited my booth at the last two art shows in Vero Beach and Winter Park, Florida.

Christine Reichow at the Winter Park Art Show

Christine Reichow at the Winter Park Art Show

I was thrilled to receive a merit award for my artwork at Vero Beach.  One painting that received a lot of attention at the shows was “C’est La Vie”.  The painting features an airplant soaring into space while clinging to a heavy tree.  An airplant is in the bromeliad family of plants and I saw this colorful one as I walked on the boardwalk at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Naples, Florida.

Check out “C’est La Vie” and another one of my airplant paintings called “Just Air to Breathe”.

Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

What could be more cheerful than a bright little red, yellow and blue bird darting from branch to branch?  The Painted Bunting fits this description.  During January, February and March the Painted Bunting can be seen at Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Naples, Florida.  The morning that I saw the Painted Buntings, they were flying from the bird feeder to the nearby tree branches and back again.  My painting entitled “Painted Bunting” records that visit.

Order Painted Bunting or view more nature watercolor paintings in my gallery.


The Bat Flower

My latest flower painting features the tropical bat flower.  This exotic plant can be found naturally in Southestern Asia and Africa.  I was fortunate to be able to see the Bat Flower in bloom with its long dusty purple filaments cascading to the ground at the Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota, Florida. Continue Reading »

After traveling to Miami for the famous Coconut Grove Art Festival on
February 14th, 15th and 16th, we participated in the Naples National Art
Festival this past weekend.  How wonderful to be in this show again where I
was the poster artist two years ago.  We were so busy that lunch was
impossible until 3:00 PM both days and five of my original paintings found
new homes! Continue Reading »

img_0448-2Sunny ArtFest Fort Myers on February 7th and 8th was an amazing show.  At
times we were too busy to talk to everyone.  The booth was wall-to-wall
people.  We greeted good friends who stopped by to see us as well as many
new people who were previously unfamiliar with my watercolor paintings.
Thank you to everyone who came!